CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind


In the FAQ section you will find useful information for optimal use of your remote temperature and humidity monitoring system. If you don’t see the answer to your question, please contact us via the form – the CoolSens team will be happy to provide you with additional information!

What is the CoolSens system and how does it work?

The CoolSens system offers a variety of functions that greatly simplify the management of environmental monitoring. First of all, it enables temperature and humidity monitoring, but that's not all! The system automatically generates reports, which is particularly helpful during audits. What's more, it sends notifications and alerts in real time and also archives data for up to five or even ten years (optional), in accordance with current legislation.

The operation of the CoolSens system is based on modern wireless technology. The CoolSens Node sensors continuously transmit measurement data to the CoolSens CloudHub, which is the central element of the system. Users can then remotely monitor and analyse this data using the CoolSens Cloud platform or the CoolSens app, allowing them to react quickly and effectively to changes in environmental conditions - regardless of their current location.

Yes, the CoolSens system automatically generates detailed reports. This is a time-saving feature that minimises the risk of errors when creating documentation manually. Users can rest assured that their operations comply with auditor requirements and industry regulations.

Definitely yes! With remote access, users can monitor environmental parameters in real time. This means that whether they are in a facility, on the move or at home, they can monitor the conditions of the monitored locations in real time. What's more, remote access allows for a quick response to any abnormalities.

Who is CoolSens dedicated to?

The CoolSens system is used in industries such as:

  • pharmaceuticals,
  • medicine,

  • food industry,

  • logistics,

  • building automation,

  • culture and art,

  • agriculture,

  • winemaking and brewing,

  • HoReCa.

For details, see Industries.

Yes, CoolSens supports multiple locations on one account.

The measuring instrument should have a calibration certificate and a system for recording temperature and humidity, its archiving and notification of parameter exceedances.

Pharmacies and pharmacy - details

24-hour monitoring of temperature and humidity in pharmacies is mandatory and covers various areas such as fridges, storerooms or rooms used for the production of medicines. Importantly, the measurement data must be stored for 5 years, which requires an appropriate archiving system. It is also worth mentioning that the devices must have a built-in alarm function to enable a quick response to abnormalities. In addition, all systems must be validated in accordance with regulations.*

*Regulations for Poland

The CoolSens system makes it possible to monitor environmental parameters in pharmacies, during the production and storage of drugs and other raw materials, e.g. in pharmaceutical wholesalers, ensuring compliance with regulation in Poland.

According to the regulations in Poland, it is worth planning the time for system selection, purchase, installation and commissioning of 24/7 monitoring by December 2025 in order to be well ahead of this deadline.

The documentation should include:

  • date and time of the reading,
  • the name of the room or refrigeration unit,
  • details of the means of transport in the case of transport,
  • indications of temperature and humidity parameters, including their excesses,
  • signature and name of pharmacist or pharmacy technician in the case of paper records.*

    *Regulation in Poland

Hospitals and laboratories - details

The CoolSens system helps monitor the temperature and humidity in rooms and refrigeration units, among others:

  • hospitals,
  • laboratories,
  • pharmacies,
  • or during the manufacture or transport of medicines.

Other CoolSens applications

The CoolSens system monitors storage and transport conditions of goods, minimising the risk of product damage.


The CoolSens system provides control of environmental conditions in warehouses, cold stores, meat plants or breweries, supporting the achievement of HACCP standards.

Safety and compliance

Yes, it meets the requirements of, among other things, the Ministry of Health's regulation on 24-hour monitoring in pharmacies.*

*In Poland

Yes, the CoolSens system has a declaration of conformity, the receipt of which is mandatory for the safe use of the equipment.

Yes, a calibration certificate* made in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025. It is a document confirming the accuracy and precision of the measurements made by the device at the time of the test conducted by an accredited laboratory. The calibration certificate does not have a specific expiry date, and the calibration interval may result from separate procedures or legal regulations governing the area in which the solution is used. If separate regulations do not provide otherwise, we recommend calibrating the device at least every two years. To ensure the highest quality of measurements, the CoolSens system uses an electronic sensor with minimum variations in measurement accuracy of <0.03°C per year for temperature and <0.25% RH per year for humidity.

* Validation on request

The CoolSens system uses advanced encryption and security mechanisms.

Installation and operation

CoolSens Node sensors and CoolSens CloudHub hubs can be attached with Velcro to flat surfaces or placed on horizontal surfaces. No drilling, no cables and no additional sockets.

Yes, the system uses LTE-M and NB-IoT technologies, which minimise energy consumption.

In addition, when applied to refrigeration equipment, it allows it to be used optimally, in the interest of environmental protection.

The system is fully scalable and allows new equipment to be added at any time.

More information is available in the Help Centre, or you can contact customer service directly ( via the contact form).

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* – pola wymagane

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