CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind
The system consists of CoolSens Node sensors, which measure temperature and humidity, the CoolSens CloudHub data hub, which collects and transmits measurement data, and the CoolSensCloud web platform with a dedicated app available on Google Play.
CoolSensCloud is the operating centre of the entire system, from where notifications, alerts and alarms are sent immediately after an alarm event is registered. It is from here that you generate ready-to-use reports: current or cyclical – according to a set schedule. Measurement data is stored in the cloud, which you can access from anywhere in the world.
The CoolSens system is easy to operate, taking just a few minutes to install and adjust to the facility’s requirements.
A device acting as a sensor,
data concentrator and
communication gateway
at the same time,
which measures
environmental parameters
and collects data from
up to 16 additional sensors
CoolSens Node via radio
A device acting as a sensor,
data concentrator and
communication gateway
at the same time,
which measures
environmental parameters
and collects data from
up to 16 additional sensors
CoolSens Node via radio
A device acting as a sensor,
data concentrator and
communication gateway
at the same time,
which measures
environmental parameters
and collects data from
up to 16 additional sensors
CoolSens Node via radio
Wireless sensor that
monitors temperature
and humidity. Provides
data to the system
via the CloudHub, with
an interval set by the user
Wireless sensor that
monitors temperature
and humidity. Provides
data to the system
via the CloudHub, with
an interval set by the user
Wireless sensor that
monitors temperature
and humidity. Provides
data to the system
via the CloudHub, with
an interval set by the user
is the operational centre
of the entire system, from which
notifications, warnings
and alarms are sent
immediately after an
event is registered. From here,
you can generate ready-made reports
according to a set schedule.
The measurement data
is stored in the cloud,
which you can access
from anywhere
in the world
app is a modern
mobile application designed
for users of the CoolSens
Cloud. It allows access to
all measurements and data
archives without having to
log in on a computer. You can
control the entire system directly
from your phone
platform allows the user
to monitor current conditions,
analyse historical data, generate
reports and set alarm thresholds.
In case of irregularities, you will
receive a notification sent
to your e-mail address or
in the CoolSens app
Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍
A device acting as a sensor, data concentrator and communication gateway at the same time, which measures environmental parameters and collects data from up to 16 additional CoolSens Nodes via radio communication
Wireless sensor that monitors temperature and humidity. Provides data to the system via the CloudHub, with an interval set by the user
Be confident that your data is safe! All measurement data relating to environmental conditions of a room or refrigeration unit in one place: data, reports, graphs, calibration certificates, protocols, account management.
Non-invasive and simple installation. Thanks to the use of Velcro, you can place the devices on the wall or position them anywhere without drilling.
The e-ink display will allow you to quickly access data from all connected sensors, without having to log into the app or portal.
The acoustic-optical alarm will discreetly notify you when parameters are exceeded, even when you do not have access to a phone or computer.
The system does not require a WiFi or wired Ethernet connection - the battery-powered devices will allow you to control environmental conditions even when the power goes out.
The CoolSens system runs continuously 24/7, with automatic alerts, data analyses and reports available whenever you need them, even if you are not near your devices. If an abnormality is detected, you will receive immediate notification in the app and by email.
The CoolSens System is a comprehensive solution for monitoring temperature, humidity, and other environmental parameters, designed for industries that require round-the-clock compliance with EU regulations.
INVENTIA Sp. z o.o.
Poleczki 23, entrance F
02-822 Warsaw
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