CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Medical industry

CoolSens is an advanced temperature, humidity monitoring system ideal for the medical industry. With precise measurements and constant monitoring, CoolSens helps maintain the highest standards in hospitals, laboratories, clinics and medical warehouses. It takes care of the appropriate storage conditions for medicines and samples, in accordance with current regulations.

1. Hospitals and laboratories (including veterinary laboratories)

In medical and research facilities, it is necessary to maintain appropriate environmental conditions. Particularly in areas where drugs, biological samples or laboratory reagents are stored. Our system enables continuous monitoring of temperature and humidity, automatic generation of reports and alarms and helps to ensure compliance with guidelines and standards.

  • Precise control of conditions
  • Helps ensure regulatory compliance
  • Security


Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍

2. Clinics - temperature monitoring

Our system is tailored to the specific requirements of monitoring temperature and humidity in clinics and medical practices, and helps control conditions so that they comply with Sanitary Inspectorate guidelines. The system allows you to keep track of the measurements, archive the data and react quickly if the limit values are exceeded.

  • Assistance in maintaining compliance with recommendations
  • Notifications and alarms
  • Patient safety


Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍

3. Medical wholesalers

In medical wholesalers, where large quantities of products are stored that require precise conditions, our system monitors temperature and humidity, and is also a support for compliance with regulations, thanks to automatic reports and data archiving. It can be customised according to the customer’s needs. Additional CoolSens Node sensors are easily connected to the data centre through a simple interface. Users can add more devices at any time.

  • Optimum storage conditions
  • Scalability of the monitoring system
  • Easy to use

Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍

4 Transport of medicines

In the transport of pharmaceuticals, it is essential to maintain appropriate thermal conditions. CoolSens monitors and records conditions in real time, allowing for the continuity of the cold chain that is essential to maintaining the quality of pharmaceuticals.

  • Maintaining the cold chain
  • Real-time tracking


Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍


* option

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* – pola wymagane

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