CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Pharmaceutical industry

In the pharmaceutical industry, precise monitoring of temperature and humidity is crucial to maintaining the quality, stability and efficacy of medicinal products. Temperature and humidity sensors are essential for controlling the storage and transport conditions of drugs, raw materials and medical supplies. By continuously measuring and controlling environmental conditions, pharmaceutical companies can meet stringent requirements, avoid the risk of product quality loss and minimise costs associated with potential complaints or pharmacy recalls. Automated monitoring systems enable an immediate response to any deviations from standards, ensuring the highest standards of safety and efficiency in pharmaceutical production.

Applications of the CoolSens system in the pharmaceutical industry include:

1. Pharmacies

Pharmacies must comply with strict requirements for the storage of medicines, according to the Ministry of Health Regulation. Our system provides continuous monitoring of temperature and humidity in refrigeration units and pharmacy rooms, enabling documentation of measurements and data archiving, which are essential for any inspection or audit. Discreet alerts in the app or by e-mail inform you if set warning or alarm thresholds are exceeded.

  • Compliance with the Ministry of Health Decree
  • Continuous monitoring
  • Simple operation

Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍

2. Pharmaceutical production

Precise control of environmental conditions supports the maintenance of pharmaceutical product quality and helps to meet Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements. The CoolSens system monitors environmental conditions, providing detailed reports needed during audits and inspections. Established alarms allow you to respond to deviations, minimising the risk of production losses. The automatic generation of reports helps to keep a compliant and structured record of working conditions.

  • Assistance in ensuring GMP compliance
  • Monitoring the stability of environmental conditions
  • Prepared data documentation


Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍

3. Storage of raw materials and products

Monitoring conditions in pharmaceutical warehouses minimises the risk of damage to materials and loss of their properties during storage. CoolSens makes it easy to document and monitor conditions in accordance with regulatory requirements. Archiving and report generation allows quick access to information when historical data is needed. Continuous monitoring of the storage environment helps maintain the quality of raw materials and finished products.

  • Flexible data management
  • Protection of sensitive materials
  • Finished documentation


Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍

4 Pharmaceutical wholesalers

In pharmaceutical wholesalers, continuous monitoring of environmental parameters supports the storage of medicines in accordance with standards and to maintain their effectiveness. Temperature and humidity measurements from CoolSens Node sensors allow continuous monitoring of warehouse conditions. Automatic reports make it easy to demonstrate compliance during inspections. The CoolSens system can be adapted to different requirements and the size of the warehouse.

  • Real-time monitoring
  • Automatic or on-demand reports
  • Scalability and flexibility


Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍

5. Transport of medicines

Monitoring transport conditions supports the maintenance of the cold chain and minimises the risk of loss of quality of transported pharmaceuticals. The CoolSens system records conditions in the vehicles and thus helps to maintain the quality and efficacy of pharmaceuticals. Remote access to the data enables ongoing control during transport. Reports on transport conditions facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Maintaining the cold chain
  • Real-time measurement tracking
  • Compliance support

Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍

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