CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Data centres

Today’s data centres are vital to the operation of technology companies, financial institutions, government and cloud providers. They store huge amounts of data and perform the advanced computing operations necessary for IT systems to operate. Effective management of the internal environment in data centres – including temperature and humidity control – is essential for the reliability and efficiency of the computing processes carried out. Overheating can cause failures and downtime, while inadequate humidity promotes electrostatic discharge or corrosion. Regular monitoring of environmental conditions minimises risks, protects equipment and prevents costly downtime.

1. Prevention of equipment overheating

The CoolSens system enables a rise in temperature to be detected quickly, allowing immediate intervention, such as increasing cooling power. This prevents IT equipment from overheating, leading to damage or failure, thus ensuring reliable equipment operation.

  • Improved equipment reliability
  • Minimise operational downtime
  • Investment protection

2. Moisture management

Our temperature and humidity monitoring system helps to maintain the right humidity level to avoid electrostatic discharge (at low humidity) and corrosion of metal components (at high humidity). This minimises the risk of damage to delicate electronic components.

  • Prevention of electrostatic discharges
  • Protection against corrosion and condensation
  • Helping to maintain stable environmental conditions

3. Optimisation of energy consumption

CoolSens enables efficient control of cooling systems in data centres, and this translates into optimised energy consumption and lower operating costs. Dynamically adapting cooling power to the environmental conditions in the server room saves money and supports sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint. With optimised energy consumption, CoolSens technology supports a green IT management strategy that minimises environmental impact and supports the development of a sustainable digital infrastructure.

  • Reduction in operating costs
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Supporting sustainable development policies

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* – pola wymagane

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