CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

CoolSens is a system developed by Inventia as part of its strategy to develop innovative telemetry and location solutions tailored to the changing needs of the market. Find out more about our company by reading the information below.

Our mission

Inventia strives to provide innovative telemetry and location solutions that are based on advanced mobile technologies to support customers in safe and sustainable growth. Our systems are open, scalable and easy to integrate into existing infrastructures, providing intuitive use and configuration flexibility. 

Our vision

Our aim is to maintain our leading position in the area of telemetry and location-based solutions, and to actively support the development of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and cloud technologies. By continuously improving our products and services and adhering to ISO 9001:2015 quality standards, we aim to be a trusted technology partner for customers worldwide.

Our history

The vision of Inventia’s founders was to create innovative solutions that not only respond to market needs but also set new standards in the telemetry industry. Since its inception, the company has focused on advanced mobile technologies adapted to telecom operators’ standards, which has earned it recognition in Poland and abroad. By launching RTU modules, PLC telecontrollers, communication gateways, recorders and battery solutions, Inventia has become an important brand in the telemetry and location market.

Impact on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Cloud Technologies

Inventia is actively developing IIoT technologies and cloud solutions that enable efficient data management, process optimisation and faster business decisions. By implementing remote access systems, customers can monitor and manage processes from any location, which supports their operational flexibility and resource savings.

Innovation & technical support

Innovation is the cornerstone of Inventia’s strategy. The company is constantly developing its products, adding new features and technologies to respond to the changing needs of customers. What is more, its technical support team supports customers at every stage of implementation, offering design advice, configuration assistance, training and service. Thanks to this approach, Users can take full advantage of the potential of telemetry solutions.

Telemetry devices for various industries

Inventia’s solutions are used in many industries, such as transport, logistics, energy, gas, heat, water, renewable energy or agriculture. Our systems enable, among other things, the monitoring of vehicle fleets, route optimisation, control of transport conditions, remote reading of utilities or supervision of water treatment stations. Implementing these solutions helps customers to cut costs, reduce CO₂ emissions and increase the efficiency of resource management.

Sustainability and environmental responsibility

Inventia has a long-standing commitment to environmental responsibility, designing its equipment with minimal environmental impact in mind. Our manufacturing processes meet the highest quality standards, as evidenced by our ISO 9001:2015 certification. In addition, the company is committed to environmental initiatives, promoting sustainability among both its customers and business partners.


Awards and accolades for Inventia and its products can be found on the website

Nagrody dla rozwiązań firmy Inventia
InVentia IoT Team

our team

Inventia’s strength is its team of over 60 specialists, including engineers, programmers, production, marketing and sales staff. Our passion for creating modern technologies and the diversity of our competences allow us to provide solutions that meet the requirements of customers in many sectors. Our team consistently develops its skills, which enables the company to reach new market segments and maintain its leading position.

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Z myślą o naszych Klientach, przygotowaliśmy specjalną ofertę finansowania zakupu systemu CoolSens. Dzięki której możesz skorzystać z naszych nowoczesnych rozwiązań bez obciążania swojego budżetu.

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* – pola wymagane

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