CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Agriculture and horticulture

The temperature and humidity measurement system is widely used in agriculture and horticulture, where precise control of the microclimate is very important for plant growth, crop optimisation and effective crop storage. With CoolSens, it is possible to maintain the right conditions in the greenhouse, in the field and in storage, which directly affects the quality and quantity of the crop. In addition, this technological solution reduces losses, improves production efficiency and facilitates supervision related to crop storage. Find out how a system for measuring environmental conditions supports different areas of agriculture and horticulture.

1. Greenhouses

In greenhouses, maintaining stable environmental conditions is essential for efficient plant growth. The CoolSens system monitors the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse, allowing for precise control of the microclimate. Thanks to automatic alarms and reports, it is possible to adapt the parameters to the individual needs of the plants on an ongoing basis, significantly increasing the quality and quantity of the crop while optimising energy consumption. As a result, this provides better control of the environment, which translates into lower operating costs.

  • Precise control of environmental conditions
  • Energy efficiency
  • Rapid response to change

2. Harvest storage

Proper storage conditions have a direct impact on the shelf life and quality of agricultural products. Our system, CoolSens, enables continuous monitoring of temperature, humidity and other environmental parameters in warehouses, minimising the risk of crop damage, mould growth and loss of nutritional value. The CoolSens system helps maintain compliance with agricultural storage standards and enables data archiving to support effective management and reduce risk. It ensures long-term freshness and quality of produce.

  • Longer crop life
  • Automatically generated reports
  • Saving time and resources

3. In vitro laboratory cultivation of plants

In laboratories where in vitro plants are grown, the control of environmental conditions must be extremely precise. Our advanced system provides real-time monitoring of environmental conditions to maintain optimum conditions for plant development in tissue culture. In addition, remote access to data and the ability to track measurement history greatly facilitates crop management and ultimately increases efficiency. This makes it possible to react to any changes in real time, which is of paramount importance for the success of plant propagation.

  • Precise microclimate control
  • Improved crop performance
  • Minimising the risk of loss

4. Storage of fruit and vegetables

In fruit and vegetable warehouses, the right temperature and humidity are essential to keep produce fresh for a long time. CoolSens monitors these parameters in real time, ensuring that optimum conditions are maintained for each type of product. Thanks to automatic notifications of possible deviations, appropriate preventive action can be taken immediately, which minimises losses and significantly increases profit. In this way, controlling storage conditions becomes simpler and the risk of unwanted variations in temperature or humidity is effectively reduced.

  • Keeping products fresh
  • Increasing profitability
  • Financial savings

Our system is a comprehensive tool to support agriculture and horticulture, providing precise control of environmental conditions, resulting in higher quality crops, optimal storage of produce and efficient management of storage space.

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