CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Animal husbandry

In animal husbandry, maintaining the right environmental conditions is essential for animal health, welfare and optimal production efficiency. CoolSens temperature and humidity sensors are an invaluable tool for monitoring and managing animal housing conditions. With precise measurements, farmers can ensure thermal comfort, prevent heat stress and minimise the risk of disease development, resulting in better production and economic performance on the farm.

1. Poultry, pig and cattle farms

Maintaining the right environmental conditions on farms has a direct impact on animal health and the quality of products such as meat, milk or eggs. Our system monitors the most important parameters: temperature and humidity, allowing the conditions in the breeding buildings to be adjusted on an ongoing basis. Automatic alarms and reporting help to react quickly to irregularities, minimising the risk of disease and improving production efficiency.

  • Positive impact on animal health
  • Optimising production efficiency
  • Cost reduction

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Chciałbyś wesprzeć się zewnętrznym finansowaniem zakupu systemu CoolSens?

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Z myślą o naszych Klientach, przygotowaliśmy specjalną ofertę finansowania zakupu systemu CoolSens. Dzięki której możesz skorzystać z naszych nowoczesnych rozwiązań bez obciążania swojego budżetu.

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* – pola wymagane

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