CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Behind the scenes in pharmacy – how are the storage conditions of medicines controlled?

When visiting a pharmacy, we rarely think about how medicines, vaccines or medical devices are stored. Meanwhile, proper storage conditions are crucial to their effectiveness and safety. Daily temperature and humidity control is one of the most important tasks for pharmacists.

We decided to take a look behind the scenes of pharmacy and speak to an experienced pharmacist. In the conversation, we discovered just how complex and demanding the process is, and what challenges pharmacy staff face. Read on to find out the ins and outs of taking care of the quality of the medicines that end up in our hands.

How are temperature and humidity monitored in the pharmacy?

We check the temperature and humidity in the storage areas of medicines, medical devices and special purpose products on a daily basis. We store thermolabile products, such as vaccines or insulins, in accordance with legal requirements. We record the results of the measurements in a ‘Temperature Notebook’. We also monitor fridges, freezers and other pharmacy rooms.

What equipment do you use to monitor these parameters?

We use thermo-hygrometers that measure temperature and humidity simultaneously. This allows us to control both parameters in one place.

What difficulties do you encounter in monitoring temperature and humidity?

The devices are powered by batteries, which sometimes run down, making it impossible to take current readings. In addition, we check the temperature once a day, which is sometimes insufficient as conditions can change throughout the day.

What features of the monitoring system would be most important to you?

Automatic measurements every hour and the ability to generate and print reports. SMS or email notifications of failures or exceedances would also be useful.

Do you generate reports based on the readings?

We do not generate reports, we record all data manually in the ‘Temperature Notebook’. Automating this process would make our job a lot easier.

How often would you like to receive temperature and humidity data?

Preferably hourly, which would provide greater control over conditions, especially for medicines requiring constant temperatures.

How long do you keep data on controlled conditions?

We must keep the data for 5 years, in accordance with current legislation.*

Do the solutions you use meet current legal requirements?

Our solutions currently meet the requirements. However, new regulations may force more advanced monitoring.

What forms of notification would be most useful to you?

SMS and e-mail notifications are the most useful. Audible alerts we prefer to avoid as they are a nuisance.

How quickly do you have to respond to irregularities?

For thermolabile products, the response must be immediate. Even small deviations can affect their effectiveness.

What are your expectations regarding the cost of the monitoring system?

We want to keep costs as low as possible, but the equipment must comply with legal requirements and be adequately durable.

Do you prefer the purchase of equipment or a subscription model?

We do not yet have a clear preference.

What technical support would be helpful to you?

We look forward to full support, including training, service and installation and commissioning of the equipment by the supplier.

What interface features are most important to you?

The interface should be simple and intuitive so that operation does not require specialist knowledge.

What criteria are most important to you when selecting a supplier?

Cost, equipment quality, regulatory compliance and the ability to service and validate equipment are important.

Where do you look for product information?

Offers are received directly from suppliers and pharmaceutical wholesalers.

Do you have Wi-Fi access in every room?

No, in some areas, such as fridges, Wi-Fi access is difficult, complicating remote monitoring.

The talk demonstrated the importance of controlling the storage conditions of medicines in the pharmacy. Thank you to the pharmacist from the Garwolin pharmacy for sharing her experience!

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* – pola wymagane

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