CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Safety and peace of mind in your hands. Why is a calibration certificate important in the pharmaceutical and medical industry?

In the pharmaceutical and medical industry, precision and reliability are extremely important. The calibration of measuring devices plays a key role here. This is especially true for temperature and humidity monitoring systems such as CoolSens, which ensure product quality and safety. Let’s take a look at why calibration is so important and how CoolSens supports the maintenance of high standards in pharma and medicine.

Calibration as a foundation for quality

Calibration compares the results of an instrument with a reference instrument. In pharmacy and medicine, where any error can be dangerous, this is indispensable.

Why is calibration important?

Regulation – Authorities, such as the FDA and EMA, require regular calibration to ensure the accuracy of devices.
Product quality – Even small deviations in storage conditions can affect drug efficacy and test results.
Patient safety – Calibration helps minimise the risk of errors and their health consequences.
Cost savings – Prevents the cost of product recalls, repairs and legal disputes.

CoolSens - Monitoring and calibration support

CoolSens is an advanced temperature and humidity monitoring system. It is designed to meet the requirements of the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

What the CoolSens system gives you:

Real-time monitoring – enables real-time control and rapid response to changes.
Automatic notifications – informs you of problems via alerts, SMS or email.
Remote access – facilitates management of storage conditions from anywhere.
Documentation and reporting – generates reports in line with audit and regulatory requirements.

Calibration of the CoolSens system

In order for CoolSens to work accurately, it is necessary to calibrate it regularly. Here are the basic steps:

Scheduling – schedule calibration according to manufacturer’s guidelines and regulations.
Documentation – keep an accurate record of the calibration process.
Staff training – ensure adequate training so that calibration is carried out correctly.
Data analysis – after calibration identify any problems and make corrections.

Calibration in medical laboratories

The accuracy of measurements in medical laboratories is crucial for diagnosis and treatment. CoolSens supports the continuous monitoring of conditions, ensuring sample quality and patient safety.

Calibration of measuring devices is an indispensable part of quality assurance in pharma and medicine. The CoolSens system supports companies by offering advanced monitoring functions, automatic notifications and the ability to access data in the cloud.

Investing in calibration and state-of-the-art solutions such as CoolSens is a step towards patient safety and high product quality. With increasing demands, companies need to make calibration a priority in their quality strategy.

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