CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Category: Blog-en

Poznaj sekret skutecznego monitorowania temperatury i wilgotności - Grafika - blog - CoolSens

Learn the secret to effective monitoring of environmental conditions

Why is temperature and humidity monitoring crucial? 🌡️✅

Temperature and humidity monitoring is an everyday occurrence in many industries, such as pharmaceuticals, medicine or food production. With modern monitoring systems, ensuring the right storage conditions becomes simpler and more reliable, guaranteeing safety and quality.

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How to choose a monitoring system for a pharmaceutical or medical facility? 5 important questions before buying a temperature monitoring system

How to choose the right monitoring system for a pharmacy or laboratory? 🏥💡

Choosing a condition monitoring system can be difficult, but asking yourself five key questions will help you make the right decision. What features are most important in your case? Here we go! Find out how to identify your facility’s needs to find the perfect solution.

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Behind the scenes in pharmacy – how are the storage conditions of medicines controlled?

How do pharmacies ensure the quality of medicines? A behind-the-scenes look at pharmaceutical storage 💊🔍

Have you wondered how pharmacies ensure the effectiveness and safety of medicines? Daily temperature and humidity control is a key task for pharmacists. We took a look behind the scenes of their work – check out the challenges they face on a daily basis! ✅

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grafika - Bądź gotowy! Rozporządzenie wchodzi w życie już w 2025 r. - blog CoolSens

Get ready! The regulation will come into force in 2025

New regulations in pharmacy – mandatory monitoring of storage conditions 📢💊

The Ministry of Health is introducing regulations mandating the monitoring of temperature and humidity in pharmaceutical warehouses. Why is this so important? Incorrect conditions can reduce the effectiveness of medicines and jeopardise patient safety. Find out what the new requirements mean! ✅

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Chciałbyś wesprzeć się zewnętrznym finansowaniem zakupu systemu CoolSens?

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Z myślą o naszych Klientach, przygotowaliśmy specjalną ofertę finansowania zakupu systemu CoolSens. Dzięki której możesz skorzystać z naszych nowoczesnych rozwiązań bez obciążania swojego budżetu.

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Jeśli chcesz skorzystać z opcji finansowania, wypełnij poniższy formularz, a nasz dział Obsługi Klienta skontaktuje się z Tobą w celu przedstawienia szczegółów oferty. Doradzimy, pomożemy w doborze najkorzystniejszej formy finansowania dostosowanej do potrzeb Twojej firmy.

* – pola wymagane

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