CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Climate control

Indoor aquaparks and swimming pool halls are facilities with specific climate requirements that must be precisely controlled in order to ensure the comfort of users and the longevity of the infrastructure. A system for measuring temperature, humidity and environmental conditions is a very important tool for climate management in these facilities.

1. Optimisation of comfort conditions

In indoor aquaparks and swimming pool halls, it is important to maintain the correct air temperature and humidity levels. Properly controlled conditions minimise the risk of health problems, such as irritation of the respiratory tract or the growth of mould and fungi that can be harmful to the body. The CoolSens system monitors the climate in real time, allowing for precise adjustment of indoor conditions. The collected data is uploaded to the dedicated CoolSensCloud platform, so you can access it at all times and react quickly to unwanted changes.

  • Increasing user comfort
  • Reducing the risk of health problems

2. Prevention of damage to infrastructure

High humidity and fluctuating temperatures in enclosed buildings can lead to serious problems such as condensation, corrosion of metal components and the growth of mould and mildew. Such phenomena not only threaten the structural integrity of the building, but can also generate high repair costs. To prevent this, use an environmental measurement system and monitor the climate in your facilities around the clock. CoolSens will help you maintain values at a level that is safe for the infrastructure, which protects building materials from damage and extends their service life.

  • Longer building life
  • Lower repair and maintenance costs

3. Meeting standards and regulations

Ensuring compliance with safety and hygiene regulations and standards is one of the most important elements of managing any facility. Our temperature and humidity measurement system allows you to keep detailed records. With CoolSens, you can generate automatic reports that make it easy to document compliance with health and safety regulations, and avoid penalties and legal problems. The devices not only support management, but also help ensure a safe and healthy environment for facility users.

  • Ensuring the safety and health of users
  • Compliance and minimisation of legal risks

4. Automatic alert and response

Temperature and humidity measurement systems can be configured to automatically alert staff when deviations from set parameters are detected. With CoolSens, an alerted employee can trigger additional ventilation systems. Rapid response to changing conditions minimises the risk of failure and increases safety.

  • Faster response to problems
  • Reduced risk of facility disruption

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