CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

In the HoReCa industry (hospitality, catering, catering), maintaining the right environmental conditions is essential for maintaining service quality, food safety and customer satisfaction. Temperature and humidity sensors play an extremely important role here, helping to monitor and manage conditions in both kitchen areas and storage spaces or hotel rooms.

1. Food storage

In warehouses and cold stores storing food, maintaining the right conditions is important to keep products fresh and meet quality standards. CoolSens monitors temperature and humidity in real time, providing immediate alerts if set parameters are exceeded. Automatic report generation makes it easy to keep records in line with Sanitary and HACCP requirements.

Check your local industry regulations for temperature and humidity control requirements ✅🌍

  • Keeping products fresh
  • Report generation
  • Simple system operation

2. Food transportation

When transporting food, especially products that require controlled conditions such as frozen food, dairy products or fresh fruit, precise control of temperature and humidity is essential. The CoolSens system allows real-time monitoring of conditions, helping to maintain the continuity of the cold chain. The ability to track data remotely and archive it ensures that set standards are maintained and regulations are complied with. You can rest assured that your products are safe.

  • Maintaining continuity in the cold chain
  • Remote monitoring
  • Data archiving

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* – pola wymagane

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