CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

CoolSens Application

The CoolSens app was developed for users of the CoolSens Cloud web platform. It allows you to access all measurements and data archives without having to log in directly to the web platform. Control the entire system from your phone or tablet.

Explore the capabilities of the CoolSens app and see how it impacts Users’ daily work:

  • Real-time monitoring – The application allows continuous tracking of key environmental parameters such as temperature and humidity. Medical and laboratory staff can monitor storage conditions for drugs, samples and sensitive materials to ensure their safety and quality.

  • Intuitive user interface – The CoolSens system has an easy-to-use, advanced interface that facilitates control in the application. This allows staff to quickly switch between functions and manage data efficiently, saving time and increasing comfort.

  • User profile management – allows access to the system and its functions to be controlled, guaranteeing data security. Different access levels adapt the application to the needs of the organisation and protect information from unauthorised access.

  • Alerts and notifications of abnormalities – the application monitors parameters in real time and informs immediately if warning or alarm thresholds are exceeded. Thanks to this function, users are able to react quickly to irregularities, thus preventing quality problems with stored materials.

  • Reporting and compliance documentation – CoolSens enables the generation of reports to assist with quality checks and audits. This ensures that the facility meets regulatory requirements and maintains high safety standards.

  • Data archiving – all measurements are automatically archived for easy access to historical data. This function makes it easier to analyse storage conditions and make data-driven decisions.

  • Remote access to data – the system allows parameters to be monitored from anywhere in the world. Ideal for dispersed facilities or managers who need to view data regardless of location.

  • Technical support – in the event of technical problems, users can count on expert assistance. CoolSens professional support ensures that problems are resolved quickly, and that monitoring continues.

is a comprehensive tool that supports medical facilities, laboratories and pharmacies in monitoring the storage environment of sensitive materials, increasing the efficiency of operations.

Explore other elements of the system:

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