CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind
CoolSens CloudHub is a data hub that collects measurements from connected CoolSens Node sensors and is also an advanced sensor for monitoring temperature, humidity. It is designed to precisely monitor environmental conditions. It is ideal for pharmacies, laboratories, warehouses and other places that require continuous monitoring of environmental conditions.
Easy to install – mount the data concentrator without drilling, using Velcro or as a free-standing unit, anywhere.
Display-e-ink– allows you to have full control over the measurement of environmental parameters without having to log into the system.
Acoustic-optical beacon – will discreetly notify you when warning thresholds and alarms are exceeded, even when you do not have access to a phone or computer.
NB-IoT/LTE Cat. M1 – is equipped with an NB-IoT/LTE Cat. M1 providing packet data transmission with the CoolSens Cloud portal and radio transmission for communication with up to 16 CoolSens Node sensors.
Dimensions: 76 x 76 x 31 mm
Weight: 120 g
Protection class: IP20
Power supply: 2 lithium batteries3.6V (type AA)
Temperature measurement range: +5 to +50 °C
Relative humidity measurement range: 0 – 100 % RH
*atmospheric pressure (optional)
The CoolSens System is a comprehensive solution for monitoring temperature, humidity, and other environmental parameters, designed for industries that require round-the-clock compliance with EU regulations.
INVENTIA Sp. z o.o.
Poleczki 23, entrance F
02-822 Warsaw
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* – pola wymagane
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