CoolSens – Remote monitoring of temperature and humidity – your safety, your peace of mind

Winemaking and brewing

A temperature and humidity measurement system is an essential component in the wine and brewing industries, where precise control of conditions ensures high product quality. Supervision of the environment in production and storage is important to ensure the quality of the final product in these industries. The application of the system in the wine and brewing industries covers the most important stages of production and storage.

1. Wine and beer storage

Winemaking is a process in which temperature and humidity play an important role at every stage of production. CoolSens monitors the conditions in the wine cellars, making it easier to precisely control the fermentation and maturation of the wine. This avoids problems such as unwanted fermentation or the growth of unfavourable micro-organisms, thus ensuring a high quality product.

  • Stable storage conditions
  • Optimum maturation
  • Protection against losses

2. Production processes in brewing

Beer production requires strict control of temperature and humidity, especially during key stages such as fermentation and lagering. The CoolSens system makes it possible to monitor and automatically adjust these parameters and thus helps to ensure the right conditions for proper yeast development and flavour stability. Controlling the conditions during lagering and maturation has a direct impact on the beer’s clarity, aroma and stability.

  • Increasing product quality
  • Reducing the risk of errors

3. Storage of raw materials

Raw materials used in wine and beer production, such as hops, malt, yeast or grapes, must be stored in the right conditions to maintain their quality. CoolSens monitors the temperature and humidity in raw material storage, preventing spoilage, mould growth or loss of aroma. This allows you to store your raw materials for a long time without worrying about losing their properties.

  • Maintaining the quality of raw materials
  • Protection against spoilage
  • Longer storage time

4. Quality control and compliance with standards

The wine and brewing industries must meet specific quality and production standards. CoolSens automatically records and archives data on environmental conditions at each stage of production and storage. With the system, you can generate reports that can prove to be vital documentation in the event of inspections and audits.

  • Documentation of environmental conditions
  • Easier preparation for audits
  • Increasing production reliability

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* – pola wymagane

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